Proof Of

Backed By The U.S. Government

Every GreatX token is 100% backed by U.S. Treasury Bond

Proof Of

Backed By The U.S. Government

Every GreatX token is 100% backed by U.S. Treasury Bond

The world's largest and safest investment so far.

The first U.S. bond dates back to the 1770s, and ever since, bonds have been the ideal investment for stability with the good faith and credit of the Federal Government. With a rich history, U.S. Treasury bonds are not just safe but a gold standard of steady and risk – free income for investors and hotel asset management company.

back in time

The rich history of U.S. bonds

From the date of the first issuance, U.S. Bonds played a critical role from nation founding to building, protecting, and creating ownership for hotel investment opportunities.

U.S. Bonds provided every American an opportunity to contribute as hotel investment partners and participate in building the Great United States of America.

The history of the U.S. and how Americans have used their hard – earned dollars to help build the nation.

Shedding light on the dual benefits of saving while helping build the country, Wayne encourages countrymen to ‘Take Stock in America’ to keep up with the 100 – year – old tradition.

One of America’s proudest traditions…
the pledge of our nation’s full faith and credit standing behind every government obligation

One of America’s proudest traditions…
the pledge of our nation’s full faith and credit standing behind every government obligation

The timeline

Birth of the US Savings Bonds

Birth of the US Savings Bonds

World War -2

World War -2

Cold War Era

Cold War Era

Globalization and Digital Age

Globalization and Digital Age

With the growing popularity of Batman back in the day, the U.S Government decided to spread awareness about the benefits of saving stamps.

The idea was to enable savings as a habit from a young age while promoting the importance of responsible citizenship and duty towards one’s country.

The History

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Hand Image



The Digital Age

Robotic Hand Image
  • 1991
  • 1998
  • 2002
  • 2012
The Golden Anniversary of Series E - Savings Bonds

The Golden Anniversary of Series E - Savings Bonds

Fifty years after the introduction of the Series E - Savings Bond, the Treasury Department launched a yearlong golden anniversary campaign, “Celebrate an American Tradition - 50 years of U.S. Savings Bonds”.

The Birth of the Series I - Savings Bond

The Birth of the Series I - Savings Bond

The Treasury Department introduced the Series I - Savings Bond to encourage more Americans to save for the future while protecting their savings against inflation. The newly launched bond series is indexed to the Consumer Price Index in denominations as small as $50.

Savings Bond Purchases Available Electronically

Savings Bond Purchases Available Electronically

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of the Public Debt first made digital Series I - Savings Bonds available for purchases online in 2002 followed by the digital Series E - Savings Bond. In 2004, the treasury government website enabled Americans to purchase and redeem bonds online.

An Online Savings Bond Program

An Online Savings Bond Program

As of Jan 2012, paper savings bonds went from being sold at banks and financial institutions to being sold online. The convenience of buying and gifting bonds from the comfort of one’s home truly digitized U.S. bonds, making them available to Americans anytime and anywhere.

What's Next?

Digitalization of the treasury bonds

Bringing together the security of the U.S. Treasury Bond and Digital Assets for the benefit of the common man

For Everyone

For the U.S. Government

Through Treasury - Backed Tokens
Access the world's safest investment opportunity
Tokenizing Treasury Bonds For
Democratizing and Decentralizing Treasury Bond
Through Treasury - Backed Tokens
Add a global risk mitigation product to your portfolio
Tokenizing Treasury Bonds For
Globalizing Treasury Bond to the retail consumer
Through Treasury - Backed Tokens
Protect your wealth through a new asset class, Global saving investment
Tokenizing Treasury Bonds For
Global trading of U.S. Treasury bond
Through Treasury - Backed Tokens
Create wealth, and balance your portfolio
Tokenizing Treasury Bonds For
Fostering investments into the United States


& The U.S. Treasury Bond

Token Bank

GreatX is the first of its kind 100% Treasury Bond – backed Capital Protected Digital Asset

GreatX decentralizes & tokenizes U.S. Treasury Bonds to democratize Treasury Bonds

The Treasury Bond returns are passed on to the GreatX token holders

GreatX offers a unique opportunity to leverage Treasury Bond investments

Time is money, Buy both, Buy Bonds

Make the most of your hard – earned money with the safest investment option yet. GreatX through its tokens backed by U.S. Treasury bonds is creating one of the safest instruments for the global investor community as an institutional-grade investment opportunity, which was not previously available to everyone.

These GreatX tokens come with a unique characteristic of not just being a saving instrument but also providing a hybrid solution for token owners by enabling them to participate in structured asset – linked investment opportunities towards enhancing their earnings with capital protection throughout their lifetime.

Treasury Bonds backed token – GreatX is

 A Great Partnership

A Safe Investment Opportunity

 Your Deflation Hedge

Your Freedom Share

Power Behind The Nation

 A Purposeful Investment


opportunity for great people 

Feel Great, Live Great

A boy in formal wear wearing glasses and US Flag

GreatX belongs to the family of Great One Digital Asset Holding


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